jamalex / notion-py

Unofficial Python API client for Notion.so
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400 error on get_block() call #292

Open julrach opened 3 years ago

julrach commented 3 years ago

When I am making a client.get_block(full_url) call, I am getting the below:

Got 400 error attempting to POST to loadPageChunk, with data: {
    "pageId": "***",
    "limit": 100000,
    "cursor": {
        "stack": []
    "chunkNumber": 0,
    "verticalColumns": false

[ERROR] HTTPError: Invalid input.
Traceback (most recent call last):  
  File "/var/task/get_kitchens_function.py", line 15, in lambda_handler    
    page = client.get_block(full_url)  
  File "/opt/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/notion/client.py", line 169, in get_block    
    block = self.get_record_data("block", block_id, force_refresh=force_refresh)  
  File "/opt/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/notion/client.py", line 162, in get_record_data    
    return self._store.get(table, id, force_refresh=force_refresh)  
  File "/opt/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/notion/store.py", line 184, in get    
  File "/opt/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/notion/store.py", line 286, in call_load_page_chunk    
    recordmap = self._client.post("loadPageChunk", data).json()["recordMap"]  
  File "/opt/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages/notion/client.py", line 262, in post    
    "message", "There was an error (400) submitting the request."

I didn't change anything in my code and this just started to happen. I suspected it was a token_V2 problem but just checked and it isn't. I saw #11 from back then and looks like there might be an API structural change.

Would love to hear all of your thoughts! Trying to get this resolved because a product of mine depends on this! Thank you!

nissy131 commented 3 years ago

It seems that the Notion API has changed and a large limit get 400 error now. I changed "limit": 100000 to "limit": 100 , and got 200.

julrach commented 3 years ago

It seems that the Notion API has changed and a large limit get 400 error now. I changed "limit": 100000 to "limit": 100 , and got 200.

@nissy131 Ok so I need to do like client.get_block(full_url, limit=100) now?

hellvesper commented 3 years ago

It seems that the Notion API has changed and a large limit get 400 error now. I changed "limit": 100000 to "limit": 100 , and got 200.

@nissy131 Ok so I need to do like client.get_block(full_url, limit=100) now?

I think you should do this in source https://github.com/jamalex/notion-py/blob/c9223c0539acf38fd4cec88a629cfe4552ee4bf8/notion/store.py#L280 Because this is hardcoded value

julrach commented 3 years ago

It seems that the Notion API has changed and a large limit get 400 error now. I changed "limit": 100000 to "limit": 100 , and got 200.

@nissy131 Ok so I need to do like client.get_block(full_url, limit=100) now?

I think you should do this in source


Because this is hardcoded value

Was just about to edit my reply. Probably could create a PR out of this. Is 100 the highest?

danmcmahill commented 3 years ago

Should this be a hard coded value or should there be a way to adjust early on in a program? And thanks for figuring this out. I hit the same thing with something that worked a few hours ago was no longer working.

julrach commented 3 years ago

Should this be a hard coded value or should there be a way to adjust early on in a program? And thanks for figuring this out. I hit the same thing with something that worked a few hours ago was no longer working.

I agree with this and also think that there is going to be a need for pagination as well since some things might have more than 100 blocks.

nanpuhaha commented 3 years ago

In my case...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "app.py", line 71, in <module>
    cvb = client.get_block(os.getenv('TABLE_URL'))
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.8/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/notion/client.py", line 169, in get_block
    block = self.get_record_data("block", block_id, force_refresh=force_refresh)
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.8/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/notion/client.py", line 162, in get_record_data
    return self._store.get(table, id, force_refresh=force_refresh)
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.8/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/notion/store.py", line 184, in get
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.8/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/notion/store.py", line 286, in call_load_page_chunk
    recordmap = self._client.post("loadPageChunk", data).json()["recordMap"]
  File "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.8.8/x64/lib/python3.8/site-packages/notion/client.py", line 260, in post
    raise HTTPError(
requests.exceptions.HTTPError: Invalid input.
julrach commented 3 years ago

Feel free to use #293 as a workaround for now.

ttran commented 3 years ago
from tzlocal import get_localzone

import notion
def call_load_page_chunk(self, page_id):

    if self._client.in_transaction():

    data = {
        "pageId": page_id,
        "limit": 100,
        "cursor": {"stack": []},
        "chunkNumber": 0,
        "verticalColumns": False,

    recordmap = self._client.post("loadPageChunk", data).json()["recordMap"]


def call_query_collection(

    assert not (
        aggregate and aggregations
    ), "Use only one of `aggregate` or `aggregations` (old vs new format)"

    # convert singletons into lists if needed
    if isinstance(aggregate, dict):
        aggregate = [aggregate]
    if isinstance(sort, dict):
        sort = [sort]

    data = {
        "collectionId": collection_id,
        "collectionViewId": collection_view_id,
        "loader": {
            "limit": 1000000,
            "loadContentCover": True,
            "searchQuery": search,
            "userLocale": "en",
            "userTimeZone": str(get_localzone()),
            "type": type,
        "query": {
            "aggregate": aggregate,
            "aggregations": aggregations,
            "filter": filter,
            "sort": sort,

    response = self._client.post("queryCollection", data).json()


    return response["result"]

def search_pages_with_parent(self, parent_id, search=""):
    data = {
        "query": search,
        "parentId": parent_id,
        "limit": 100,
        "spaceId": self.current_space.id,
    response = self.post("searchPagesWithParent", data).json()
    return response["results"]

notion.store.RecordStore.call_load_page_chunk = call_load_page_chunk
notion.store.RecordStore.call_query_collection = call_query_collection
notion.client.NotionClient.search_pages_with_parent = search_pages_with_parent

The very hot, hot-fix based on #293

Danappelxx commented 3 years ago

@ttran that did the trick, thank you!

nissy131 commented 3 years ago

FYI, the API has been also changed so that requesting loadPageChunk multiple times will result in a 429 error(Too Many Requests). In my case, I had to wait about a minute.

fedeserbin commented 3 years ago

Hi all! hope you are having a great day!

We encounter this problem also and its very urgent for us to solve this.

We were waiting a few days checking this thread expecting a new library version with this issue solved but it seems its still open.

How can we implement this workarround? We are using the library version 0.0.28. I'll be honest, I dont know where to put this code.

Thanks for any help you can give us.

adosib commented 3 years ago

I got this error only on my second call to get_block() in the snipped below but, oddly, no error if I move this second call further down in my code.

Doesn't work ('HTTPError: Invalid Input' on second line)

reading_page_block = client.get_block(cfg['reading'])
reading_log = client.get_block(READING_LOG_ID) # child to reading_page_block

When I log the requests I see:

2021-04-04 13:42:16,414 DEBUG httplogger HTTP roundtrip
---------------- request ----------------
POST https://www.notion.so/api/v3/loadPageChunk
User-Agent: python-requests/2.25.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept: */*
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 136
Content-Type: application/json

b'{"pageId": "b23c6a42-fdbc-4992-a6c0-8349caca6fa4", "limit": 100000, "cursor": {"stack": []}, "chunkNumber": 0, "verticalColumns": false}'
---------------- response ----------------
400 Bad Request https://www.notion.so/api/v3/loadPageChunk
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 2021 18:42:16 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 102
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: [...]
X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: off
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=5184000; includeSubDomains
X-Download-Options: noopen
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
Referrer-Policy: same-origin
Content-Security-Policy: script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://gist.github.com https://apis.google.com https://api.amplitude.com https://widget.intercom.io https://js.intercomcdn.com https://logs-01.loggly.com https://cdn.segment.com https://analytics.pgncs.notion.so https://checkout.stripe.com https://js.stripe.com/v3 https://embed.typeform.com https://admin.typeform.com https://platform.twitter.com https://cdn.syndication.twimg.com https://www.googletagmanager.com https://x.clearbitjs.com; connect-src 'self' https://msgstore.www.notion.so wss://msgstore.www.notion.so ws://localhost:* https://notion-emojis.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com https://notion-production-snapshots-2.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com https: http: https://api.amplitude.com https://api.embed.ly https://js.intercomcdn.com https://api-iam.intercom.io wss://nexus-websocket-a.intercom.io https://logs-01.loggly.com https://api.segment.io https://api.pgncs.notion.so https://checkout.stripe.com https://js.stripe.com/v3 https://cdn.contentful.com https://preview.contentful.com https://images.ctfassets.net https://api.unsplash.com https://boards-api.greenhouse.io; font-src 'self' data: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://js.intercomcdn.com; img-src 'self' data: blob: https: https://platform.twitter.com https://syndication.twitter.com https://pbs.twimg.com https://ton.twimg.com www.googletagmanager.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com https://github.githubassets.com https://platform.twitter.com https://ton.twimg.com; frame-src https: http:; media-src https: http:
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ETag: W/"66-sPnSEatuJIzcBqI+IwSToi2JcCw"
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Server: cloudflare
CF-RAY: 63acacf4ac4cf253-ORD

{"errorId":"bddca7f1-97a3-472c-97ba-7a348c184a68","name":"ValidationError","message":"Invalid input."}

But I don't have this issue when I run

  reading_page_block = client.get_block(cfg['reading'])

  books = {
      'name': [],
      'identifier': [],
      'pages_read': [],
      'timestamp': []

  timestamp = datetime.now()

  # for each book or article, capture the desired fields
  for block in reading_page_block.children:
      if block.id not in [ARTICLES_ID, BOOKS_ID]:
          for row_block in block.collection.get_rows():
              if row_block.title:
                      books['pages_read'].append(row_block.page_number or 0)
                  except AttributeError:
                      # articles don't have the pages_read property
                      if row_block.status and row_block.status.lower()=="read":

  reading_log = client.get_block(READING_LOG_ID) # child to reading_page_block

Maybe I should also note that I'll get the same error upon entering the for loop above if I use a subclass of NotionClient with a modified constructor that just sets self.session to enable logging to stdout - I find this behavior strange as well. I'll attach this for good measure. NotionClientSuper.txt