jambonn / vue-concise-carousel

Vue Concise Carousel with True SSR Written for Jambon
MIT License
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Doesn't work with Nuxt 3 #10

Closed autorunman22 closed 1 year ago

autorunman22 commented 1 year ago


import { Carousel, Slide } from '@jambonn/vue-concise-carousel';
import '@jambonn/vue-concise-carousel/lib/vue-concise-carousel.css'

export default defineNuxtPlugin(nuxtApp => {
jambonn commented 1 year ago

I have tried and it still works with Nuxt 3. You can refer to my demo at stackblitz

autorunman22 commented 1 year ago

thanks. could be nuxt itself.

ReiwuKleiwu commented 11 months ago

This actually doesn't seem to work so well with Nuxt 3. I've tried your minimal example in a component inside of my Nuxt project and it indeed throws the warnings mentioned above.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-23 um 15 18 16
jambonn commented 11 months ago

This actually doesn't seem to work so well with Nuxt 3. I've tried your minimal example in a component inside of my Nuxt project and it indeed throws the warnings mentioned above.

Bildschirmfoto 2023-07-23 um 15 18 16

Can you upload the code or demo somewhere?

ReiwuKleiwu commented 11 months ago

It seems I can no longer reproduce the issue. Sorry for the confusion. 🙏🏻