jambonn / vue-concise-carousel

Vue Concise Carousel with True SSR Written for Jambon
MIT License
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Issue with auto-pagination when perpage prop is set to 1 and last slide is removed #30

Closed BilalTariq01 closed 4 months ago

BilalTariq01 commented 4 months ago

When utilizing the vue-concise-carousel component with the perpage prop set to 1, I encountered an issue regarding auto-pagination behavior. Specifically, if multiple slides are added and subsequently removed, the carousel fails to auto-paginate to the second-last slide after removing the last slide.

Steps to reproduce:

Set the perpage prop to 1. Add multiple slides to the carousel. Navigate to the last slide. Remove the last slide. Observe that the carousel does not auto-paginate to the second-last slide. Expected behavior: The carousel should automatically paginate to the second-last slide when the last slide is removed, regardless of the number of slides added or the perpage prop setting.

jambonn commented 4 months ago

@BilalTariq01 Can you create a demo issue on stackblitz.com? Or would you like to submit a pull request to address this issue?

BilalTariq01 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for getting back to me. This issue has been resolved in the latest version (2.1.31). Previously, I encountered this problem in version 2.1.29.