james-huston / angular-directive-select-usstate

An angular directive for creating a dropdown of us states.
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 9 forks source link

Support npm/browserify #5

Open carpeliam opened 8 years ago

carpeliam commented 8 years ago

It'd be fantastic if I could install this via npm install and import into my codebase via require('angular-directive-select-usstates'); with Browserify. As you already have a package.json file, this might not be too difficult?

james-huston commented 8 years ago

Shouldn't be, I will take a look at adding it to NPM in the next couple of days.

As a temporary solution I think you can put the https url for the github repo as a manual entry in your package.json and it will let you run npm install and get it that way. Not ideal but will let you get started while I look for time to push it to npm.