james2m / canard

Makes role based authorization in Rails really simple. Wraps CanCan and RoleModel up with a smattering of syntactic sugar, some generators and scopes.
MIT License
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Add support for mongoid 4 #15

Closed ninetwentyfour closed 10 years ago

ninetwentyfour commented 10 years ago

There is a problem with the user scopes in mongoid 4.0.0.alpha2.

When trying to start rails or run tests with an app using 4.0.0.alpha2 and canard the following error is thrown.

  Defining a scope of value #<Mongoid::Criteria:0x007fe4a48d3e30> on User is not allowed.
  Scopes in Mongoid must be procs that wrap criteria objects.
  Change the scope to be a proc wrapped critera.

   class Band
     include Mongoid::Document
     scope :inactive, ->{ where(active: false) }

This should fix the issue. If you want to wait until 4.0 is out of beta to merge this, that's fine.