Closed namesphill closed 4 years ago
Typescript support doesn't really work when the app directory is not root; maybe the extension doesn't recursively search for the config.js files.
My setup:
root │ ├─ packages │ ├─ client │ │ ├─ src │ │ │ └─ App.svelte │ │ ├─ Rollup.config.js │ │ └─ svelte.config.js │ └─ other-package └─ lerna.json
Opening VS code on the root of the monorepo doesn't properly load the typescript feature:
While doing so in the client directory does:
My config files:
// Rollup.config.js const svelte = require("rollup-plugin-svelte"); const commonjs = require("rollup-plugin-commonjs"); const resolve = require("rollup-plugin-node-resolve"); const serve = require("rollup-plugin-serve"); const html = require("rollup-plugin-bundle-html"); const typescript = require("rollup-plugin-typescript2"); const tscompile = require("typescript"); const { terser } = require("rollup-plugin-terser"); const livereload = require("rollup-plugin-livereload"); const isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"; const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development"; const isTest = process.env.NODE_ENV === "test"; const plugins = [ commonjs({ include: "node_modules/**" }), typescript({ typescript: tscompile }), svelte({ dev: isProd ? false : true, extensions: [".svelte"], preprocess: require("./svelte.config.js").preprocess, css: isTest ? false : css => css.write("build/css/style.css") }), resolve({ browser: true }), html({ template: "src/index.html", dest: "build", filename: "index.html" }) ]; if (isDev) { plugins.push( serve({ open: false, openPage: "/index.html", historyApiFallback: "/index.html", contentBase: ["./build"] }), livereload({ watch: "build" }) ); } else if (isProd) { plugins.push(terser({ sourcemap: true })); } module.exports = { input: "src/index.ts", output: { sourcemap: true, name: "main", file: "build/js/main.js", format: "iife" }, plugins };
// svelte.config.js const { preprocess, createEnv, readConfigFile } = require("svelte-ts-preprocess"); const env = createEnv(); module.exports = { preprocess: preprocess({ env, compilerOptions: { ...readConfigFile(env), allowNonTsExtensions: true } }) };
@namesphill , facing the same problem while writing typescript in svelte files. @UnwrittenFun is there any chance that this issue may be resolved soon?
Typescript support doesn't really work when the app directory is not root; maybe the extension doesn't recursively search for the config.js files.
My setup:
Opening VS code on the root of the monorepo doesn't properly load the typescript feature:
While doing so in the
directory does:My config files: