jamesbowman / openexrpython

OpenEXR bindings for Python
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Support channels with subsampling #5

Closed tiagoshibata closed 7 years ago

tiagoshibata commented 7 years ago

openexrpython currently breaks with channels using subsampling (eg. images with chroma subsampling, such as EXR's Y RY BY encoding).

How to reproduce

Run the following in openexr-images:

#!/bin/env python2
import OpenEXR
import pprint

filename = 'Chromaticities/Rec709_YC.exr'
assert OpenEXR.isOpenExrFile(filename)
exr_file = OpenEXR.InputFile(filename)
assert exr_file.isComplete()


{'channels': {'BY': HALF (2, 2), 'RY': HALF (2, 2), 'Y': HALF (1, 1)},
 'compression': PIZ_COMPRESSION,
 'dataWindow': (0, 0) - (609, 405),
 'displayWindow': (0, 0) - (609, 405),
 'lineOrder': INCREASING_Y,
 'owner': 'Copyright 2006 Industrial Light & Magic',
 'pixelAspectRatio': 1.0,
 'screenWindowCenter': (0.0, 0.0),
 'screenWindowWidth': 1.0}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./crash.py", line 10, in <module>
IOError: X and/or y subsampling factors of "RY" channel of input file "Chromaticities/Rec709_YC.exr" are not compatible with the frame buffer's subsampling factors.


Subsampling rate should be adjusted in this code instead of hardcoded to 1. Some more fixes are required for writing files.

I will do a pull request with the required fixes.