jamesdales / IconMapSupport

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Make icons responsive for overlapping datapoints #18

Open sebastiaan6907 opened 9 months ago

sebastiaan6907 commented 9 months ago

Hi James, In situations where different categories of locations (like store types, etc.) overlap each other on exact the same latitude and longitude it would be great to have the icon display multiple categories. The 'old' native map visual in Power BI handles this by splitting the icon in multiple colours parts, with a responsive tooltip for each segment. See attached image. Would be great to see this feature also in Icon Maps. Best, Sebastiaan Schermafbeelding 2023-09-15 om 10 13 28

jamesdales commented 9 months ago

Will be implemented with https://github.com/jamesdales/IconMapSupport/issues/7

sebastiaan6907 commented 9 months ago

Great! Perhaps not only pie charts, but also for rhombus? Schermafbeelding 2023-09-15 om 10 13 28