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Are there plans to be able to store data for different objects in separate linked tables? #38

Open tgjones43 opened 7 months ago

tgjones43 commented 7 months ago

Hi James, I absolutely love Icon Map. It's allowing me to do so much more than other mapping visuals and it's ability to handle large volumes of data is a huge advantage.

One drawback I'm having with the current version is that polygon data using WKT has to be stored in the same table as the Lat/Long data for points. This makes it tricky when working with environmental data, and I've had to employ some fairly complicated workarounds to be able to e.g. slice the point data so the polygons don't disappear.

Are there any plans to be able to have different object types in separate linked tables?

Many thanks, Tim

natereal commented 5 months ago

This would be very useful.

In the meantime, @tgjones43 are you able to provide some more info on your workaround? I also have a dataset with polygons and points that both need to displayed on the map.

jamesdales commented 5 months ago

Hi @tgjones43 and @natereal. I would also love to be able to do this. Unfortunately it's a Power BI limitation. It's not possible to pull in disconnected sets of data into the same visual. The only workaround is to store the different types in separate tables, but both tables need to have a relationship to a third table with a the category field in, with a unique ID. If you're looking to source WKT and images from separate tables, then you can use DAX to pull the data from the correct table according to the item type for that ID.

Ideally I'd have separate field wells for each type of of map object, that could then be drawn independently, but it's not possible at the moment I'm afraid.

natereal commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the clarification, and the quick response. Icon Map is a hugely useful tool nonetheless. Power BI still seems to be lagging behind in mapping, it seems.