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WKT circle size does not stay fixed with "Diameter in meters" #49

Open IyerSid opened 3 months ago

IyerSid commented 3 months ago

Hello, I am trying to display Multipoint geometries with circle sizes fixed in metres. However, I am unable to get the circle sizes to stay fixed while using WKT. Attaching a file that has both WKT and the Lat/Long columns. WKT is currently used. Even though Format>Visual>Objects>Circle Size is set to "Diameter in metres", the sizes change when zooming in and out.

"Diameter in metres" makes the sizes stay fixed when using Latitude and Longitude columns instead of WKT, but then I cannot use Multipoint geometries.

Is there a way to either fix the sizes for WKT, or to display Multipoint geometries using Latitute-Longitude? WKT.pbix.zip

Thanks, Sid