jamesdales / IconMapSupport

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Option to have the icons automatically turned off. #9

Open TammieV opened 1 year ago

TammieV commented 1 year ago


I have a question about a map, which I made. When opening the map the icons are visible. And when not selecting an option in the slicer(s), the icons are visible. Because of the high amount of data, and thus icons, I would like the icons not to be visible when opening the map. I would like the icons to be turned off automatically and turn on when selecting the option in the slicer(s) next to the map. Does the option excist that I can make this happen or is this not an option?

The icons look beautiful on the map and I am super happy with the options that IconMap provides. Unfortunately, due to privacy restrictments, I can't show you the map by uploading a picture. Hence, I hope you understand my explanation.

Kind regard, Tamara

jamesdales commented 1 year ago

Hi @TammieV

This is currently possible, but I'm looking at options to see if I can add it in.



TammieV commented 11 months ago

Hello @jamesdales

Thank you for your response. I am looking forward to see if you can add the option in.

Kind regards, Tamara