jamesfalkner / istio-lab-summit-2018

Lab content for "Hands On with Istio on OpenShift" presented at Red Hat Summit 2018
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Add env variables for lab to VM images #10

Closed jamesfalkner closed 6 years ago

jamesfalkner commented 6 years ago

To be able to consistently reference content for our labs in CLI commands, it would be nice to various things exposed as env vars. Add these to the stock images so that they are always available:

export ISTIO_HOME=/opt/lab/istio-0.6.0
export ISTIO_LAB_HOME=/opt/lab/istio-lab-summit-2018
export ISTIO_LAB_PROJECT=istio-lab
export PATH=${PATH}:${ISTIO_HOME}/bin
thoraxe commented 6 years ago
[thoraxe:~/Red_Hat/openshift/summit2018_openshift_istio] master 4s 130 ± ./scripts/connect.sh openshift-aad3.rhpds.opentlc.com ~/.ssh/summit_larsa
The authenticity of host 'openshift-aad3.rhpds.opentlc.com (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:/KdnLJ1VFWd0nmzkgn00rgBqX2vVHgcMyRPy63Thm6g.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:5f:80:d5:f5:85:b0:dd:c3:08:00:ae:53:34:6f:cb:cf.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'openshift-aad3.rhpds.opentlc.com,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[l1012@openshift-aad3 ~]$ sudo -E -i
[root@openshift-aad3 ~]# env | grep -i istio


jamesfalkner commented 6 years ago

Cool, I'll update the lab instructions to refer to them (and instruct students to 'env' at the beginning of each section just to make sure they're set)