Is not whether it is a problem with nanoScroller or me, i have the .nano with max-height 400px, and the .nano-content height 100%, the content is a list with 10-15 items and when you click inside one, it toggle a div just after the li with information. The problem is the nanoscroller, change the size of the height dynamically without animation and make an ugly effect, here the code i use:
Is not whether it is a problem with nanoScroller or me, i have the .nano with max-height 400px, and the .nano-content height 100%, the content is a list with 10-15 items and when you click inside one, it toggle a div just after the li with information. The problem is the nanoscroller, change the size of the height dynamically without animation and make an ugly effect, here the code i use:
Thanks in advance!