Create a figure for the fitness example under the fitness subsection.
I like figures. Visualizations help.
With the example under the fitness subsection in the overview topic.
I'm trying to remember what I drew on the whiteboard last time I did the class. I remember it being an awesome viz for how the fitness measure impacts the traversal though the search space, but I can't quite remember what I drew. I'm sure it will come back to me.
Related Issues or PRs
As mentioned in #62.
Create a figure for the fitness example under the fitness subsection.
I like figures. Visualizations help.
With the example under the fitness subsection in the overview topic.
I'm trying to remember what I drew on the whiteboard last time I did the class. I remember it being an awesome viz for how the fitness measure impacts the traversal though the search space, but I can't quite remember what I drew. I'm sure it will come back to me.