jameshunter12 / james-fastpage

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Mindless Sheep Final Group Review Ticket #43

Open jameshunter12 opened 1 year ago

jameshunter12 commented 1 year ago

Runtime Links

Frontend Site

Below is a list of each individual page, so you don't have to navigate the website

Backend Site

Repository Links

Mindless Sheep Frontend Mindless Sheep Backend


Click Here

N@TM 3 Minute Interaction

Click Here It was longer because there was a lot to cover and we had lots of questions asked.

Group Member Roles & Hours

Member Role Hours Overall Contributions
Quinn Birely Frontend + Backend 87 hours View Photo Below
Josh Williams Backend Dev 20 hours Planning and Pre-Lesson Basic Work and Planning (3hr), Explore CSS for Login (2 hr), Change and import finalized login page. (2hr), Work on the creation of a database. (Worked with Yasha) (2hr)(WIP), Work on the Creation of an API for account creation (3 hr)(WIP)(DC), HitRate CSS work with Yasha (1.5 hr), JS / Backend Code Work (Gambling.js)(1.5 hr), Attempts at Sanitizing and Idiot Proofing (3 hr), ReadMe Licensing (1 hr), Cleaning RunTime Links, making sure deployed links are implemented (1 hr)
Yasha Khoshini Dev Ops 20 hrs Planning and Pre-Lesson Basic Work and Planning (2.5hr), Explore CSS for Hitrate.html (2 hr), Gambling.js file created; messing around with javascript(1.5hr), Creation of database for login page (2.5hr) Not finished but did mostly everything for it, Work on the API creation for creating accounts (3 hr) Work in progress but I dropped this idea with Josh, Gambling CSS work (animations & typewriter animation) (2 hr), Calculated % hit rate using standard deviation (2.5 hr), Attempts at Sanitizing and Handing Erros (hitrate.html file) (1.5 hr), Deployment for EXIT (4 hr) ran into so many errors with docker-compose and port issues as well as build issues, Deployment for Backend repo (1.5 hr) not as many errors I ran into so it didn't take too long for me
James Hunter Product Owner 22 hours Planning and Pre-Lesson Basic Work and Planning (3 Hours), Create backend repository, find what NHL stats to track, and create NHL API (5 Hours), Fetching NHL API with frontend and making it user friendly and tried to add a feature for users to add their own stats (3 Hours), Added a page that allowed users to input a players name and a line (for betting) for each of the stats: points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks, and then it would compare it to the players average and tell them if it is a good over or under bet. Also worked with CSS on this as our project is very focused on the looks (5 Hours), Explored other ideas but was not able to finish them creating a page where users can favorite players and get updates on them (2.5 Hours), Worked with Pandas in order to get and format data. (30 Min) Created a page where players can select a team and it will sort and filter and give the players on that team and you can input a first name and it will give you NBA players with that first name. (3 Hours)
Shruthi Damodar Frontend Dev 16 hours About us page: 2 hours (May 15 and May 16 during class time), I worked with Quinn on the about us page. The about us page introduces our project. Help page: 1 hour (May 17), I worked with Quinn on the help page. The help page is for whenever someone does not know how to get around our website. Helped Ahad with backend: 2 hours, Time spent on helping Yasha deploying websites: 3 hours, Helped Quinn with game schedule: 4 hours, Helped Quinn style CSS and animations on website: 4 hours
Ahad Biabani Individual Ticket Srum Master 22 Hours Some time was spent browsing the web and contacting individuals to find NHL (3 hours), Majority of time was spent perfecting the NHL Player API (8 hours ), Time was spent on formatting, CSS and output ( 2 hours ), After time was spent formatting and CSS I was able to take aspects from this and implement it to the Team Stats page. (6 hours), Some time was sent on backend and perfecting CSS overall (2 hours), Starting to deploy then abandoning the task and Yasha taking over (1 hour)

Quinn Hours:

Screenshot 2023-06-05 at 2 25 35 PM

Yasha's Reflection:

Scrum Board