jamesknelson / gulp-rev-replace

Rewrite occurences of filenames which have been renamed by gulp-rev
MIT License
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replace overlap other replace #25

Open igorlino opened 9 years ago

igorlino commented 9 years ago

Seems there is a problem with the gulp-rev-replace.

See the file https://github.com/igorlino/gulp-patterns/blob/master/gulpfile.js

it essentially has the same workflow as in the usage page of gulp-rev-replace. The only difference is that sourcemaps have been enabled, which then means a reference sourceMappingURL tag has been created inside the original css and js files to generated sourcemaps files in the same directory. As the sourcemap files are a derivate of the original filename, only appending a posfix extension. It looks quite similar.

To reproduce: -Clone project. -npm install -gulp build -Open ./build/styles/ directory -Open the *.css files and at the very end of the files you see the sourcemap (sourceMappingURL) reference has wrongly been replaced.

igorlino commented 9 years ago

oh forgot to give 2 details more:

-the actual target that does the replace in the gulpfile is in line 212 ''optimize'' -commenting out line 243 and line 248 would make things work. Note: of course the sourcemaps won't work if the right reference is not kept. Which is kind of the purpose of gulp-rev-replace.