I am working on updating minified file references in html files but the replacement part is not working - although min file and manifest file generation is working fine along with html page copy to output directory.
I am working with gulp-rev-replace without gulp-useref and using the same code provided in ReadMe:
I am working on updating minified file references in html files but the replacement part is not working - although min file and manifest file generation is working fine along with html page copy to output directory.
I am working with gulp-rev-replace without gulp-useref and using the same code provided in ReadMe:
`var rev = require("gulp-rev"); var revReplace = require("gulp-rev-replace"); gulp.task("revision", ["dist:css", "dist:js"], function(){ return gulp.src(["dist/*/.css", "dist/*/.js"]) .pipe(rev()) .pipe(gulp.dest(opt.distFolder)) .pipe(rev.manifest()) .pipe(gulp.dest(opt.distFolder)) })
gulp.task("revreplace", ["revision"], function(){ var manifest = gulp.src("./" + opt.distFolder + "/rev-manifest.json");
return gulp.src(opt.srcFolder + "/index.html") .pipe(revReplace({manifest: manifest})) .pipe(gulp.dest(opt.distFolder)); });`
Here is the snapshot showing the output of the process where min file name is not replaced in the html page:
Any help?