jamesmh / coravel

Near-zero config .NET library that makes advanced application features like Task Scheduling, Caching, Queuing, Event Broadcasting, and more a breeze!
MIT License
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Support for Built-in/Persisted Job Parameters #354

Open chris-farrell opened 5 months ago

chris-farrell commented 5 months ago


Possible to support the concept of built-in/persisted job parameters? E.g., with the ability to set them from the dashboard? I am thinking of something akin to the JobDataMap concept in Quartz. This would require the parameters to be persisted in the backing store.

For example, I want to supply a list of recipients that are different across multiple schedules of a particular job. As I understand, Coravel doesn't support this.

Edit: I've looked at Task Scheduling with Additional Parameters and I don't think it gives me exactly what I need.

InteXX commented 1 month ago

FYI a workaround I've been able to find for this is to fire a job at some regular interval, and then check within the job itself whether the current time is a time that you want it to actually do whatever it's supposed to do.

Those values can easily be stored in a database and displayed on a dashboard.