jamesmh / coravel

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If you want to queue a job from a webpage #368

Closed carsjo closed 2 months ago

carsjo commented 3 months ago

I ran in to issues queueing IInvocable and ICancellableTask from a webpage where the user could select which task to queue.

This PR solves this issue, provided example uses EPiServer / Optimizely

 public interface IExecutableJob : IInvocable, ICancellableTask
    string Name { get; }
    string? FullName { get; }
    string Description { get; }
    Task OnStatusChange(string? userName, string message);
public abstract class BaseExecutableJob : IExecutableJob
    private static readonly IDispatcher Dispatcher = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IDispatcher>();

    private Type Type => GetType().DeclaringType ?? GetType();
    public string Name => Type.Name;
    public string? FullName => Type.FullName;
    public abstract Task Invoke();
    public abstract string Description { get; }
    public Task OnStatusChange(string? userName, string message) => Dispatcher.Broadcast(new ExecutableJobEvent(userName, Name, message));
    public CancellationToken Token { get; set; } = CancellationToken.None;
public static IServiceCollection AddExecutableJobs(this IServiceCollection services)

    var interfaceType = typeof(IExecutableJob);

    var executableJobList = typeof(ContentExtensions).Assembly.GetTypes()
        .Where(x => interfaceType.IsAssignableFrom(x) && x is { IsAbstract: false, IsClass: true })

    foreach (var implementationType in executableJobList)
        services.Add(new ServiceDescriptor(interfaceType, implementationType, ServiceLifetime.Singleton));

    return services;
[Authorize(Policy = SiteConstants.WebAdminPolicy)]
public class AdminMenuApiController : BaseAdminApiController
    private readonly IQueue _queue;
    private readonly IEnumerable<IExecutableJob> _executableJobs;

        private (Guid jobId, CancellationTokenSource? cancellationTokenSource) _runningJob =
            new(Guid.Empty, null);

    public IActionResult ExecuteJob([FromQuery] string fullName)
            var executableJob = _executableJobs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.FullName == fullName);

            if (executableJob is null)
                return Problem(title: $"Job with name {fullName} not found!");

            _runningJob = _queue.QueueCancellableInvocable(executableJob);

            return Ok(new JobMessage { Message = $"Job {executableJob.Name} was queued", JobId = jobId });
        catch (Exception e)
            return Problem(title: e.ToString());
carsjo commented 2 months ago

Ignore this. I found your examples of a better way.