Version Number of Plugin:
Device Tested On IOS Iphone XR, Android Moto G5+ and Windows surface pro laptop
Version of VS: Visual Studio for Mac version 8.7 ( build 2037)
Version of Xamarin: XF version
Steps to reproduce the Behavior
Configure Xamarin forms project with DesiredAccuracy = 10 .
Invoke CrossGeolocator.Current.StartListeningAsync, with AllowBackgroundUpdates set to true, ActivityType - Fitness, DeferLocationUpdates - true , DeferralDistanceMeters - 3 Feet ,DeferralTime to 30 seconds.
When prompted for location access permission, select "Always".
After this, start getting the location coordinates, but the accuracy ( in meters) is coming very high.
Also, for the same location, it is giving different coordinates, as the accuracy(in meters) is coming high.
Expected Behavior
Accuracy should be equal or near to the Desired Accuracy set.
For the same location, the same coordinates should come.
With setting DeferralDistanceMeters to 3 feet, the location should be obtained when there is a distance of 3 feet between coordinates
Actual Behavior
DesiredAccuracy is 10 but Accuracy getting from the plugin is 65, 1000.. or higher values.
For the same location, different coordinates are coming.
Getting different coordinates for the same location repeatedly.
Bug Information
Version Number of Plugin: Device Tested On IOS Iphone XR, Android Moto G5+ and Windows surface pro laptop Version of VS: Visual Studio for Mac version 8.7 ( build 2037) Version of Xamarin: XF version
Steps to reproduce the Behavior
After this, start getting the location coordinates, but the accuracy ( in meters) is coming very high. Also, for the same location, it is giving different coordinates, as the accuracy(in meters) is coming high.
Expected Behavior
Actual Behavior
Code snippet
Geolocator.DesiredAccuracy = 10; bool x = await Geolocator.StartListeningAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2), UnitConverters.InternationalFeetToMeters(3), false, new ListenerSettings { AllowBackgroundUpdates = true, ActivityType = ActivityType.Fitness, DeferLocationUpdates = true, DeferralDistanceMeters = UnitConverters.InternationalFeetToMeters(3), DeferralTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) });
Can you please let me know, what could be the cause of the above issues?