jamesmontemagno / Hanselman.Forms

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Set the MasterDetailPage "RootPage" as a NavigationPage #27

Closed pcdus closed 8 years ago

pcdus commented 8 years ago


I work on a Xamarin.Forms project with MVVMLight, where the main page must been a MasterDetailPage. I have read your article about the Material Design and I have tried your sample "Hanselman.Forms", as I want to implement something like this in my project. I would also use a navigation "ViewModel first". For this, I use the _Navegar _package, which allows me to manage this easily: https://github.com/mplessis/navegar https://www.nuget.org/packages/Navegar/

But I currently meet a problem if the OS version of Android >= 5.1: I have a "gap" on my screen: http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/963309FormsAppCompatActivityAnd51WithNavegar.png There is no problem for older versions (<5.1): http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/528135FormsAppCompatActivityAnd44WithNavegar.png

Would you have an iadea about the encountered problem? Is there another way to adapt your code to ViewModel navigation?


jamesmontemagno commented 8 years ago

I would ask over on the forums.