jamesmontemagno / ImageCirclePlugin

Circle Images for your Xamarin.Forms Applications
MIT License
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In UWP CircleImage stops the render of a page #10

Closed erportico closed 7 years ago

erportico commented 7 years ago


When in a form I insert a CircleImage, the form works perfectly on iOS and Android but apparently in Windows 10 the component blocks the render of the rest of the page. I added in App.xaml.cs under

Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(e); ImageCircleRenderer.Init();

Version Number of Plugin: 1.16.1 Device Tested On: iPhone 6S, iPad, iPad Mini, Cubot Android 6, Windows 10 Desktop, Windows 10 Mobile Simulator Tested On: iMac, Android_ARMv7A

Expected Behavior

In Windows 10 Desktop and Windows 10 Mobile I expect to see the component with an image or blank.

Actual Behavior

In Windows 10 Desktop and Windows 10 Mobile the render of a form is stopped when there is an CircleImage.

Steps to reproduce the Behavior

Open a form with a CircleImage

erportico commented 7 years ago



jefersonkallynsr commented 7 years ago

I have the same issue with Windows Phone 8.1

jamesmontemagno commented 7 years ago

What version of Xamarin.Forms are you using?

erportico commented 7 years ago

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 Version 14.0.25431.01 Update 3 Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.01038

Installed Version: Enterprise

Architecture and Modeling Tools 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Microsoft Architecture and Modeling Tools

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LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2015 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Microsoft LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2015

Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2015 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2015

Visual Basic 2015 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Microsoft Visual Basic 2015

Visual C# 2015 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Microsoft Visual C# 2015

Visual C++ 2015 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Microsoft Visual C++ 2015

Visual F# 2015 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Microsoft Visual F# 2015

Windows Phone SDK 8.0 - ENU 00322-80000-00000-AA153 Windows Phone SDK 8.0 - ENU

Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio Package 7.6.00907.1 Application Insights Tools for Visual Studio

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ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013 5.2.40314.0 For additional information, visit http://www.asp.net/

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Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio 2.0.6000.0 Microsoft Azure Data Lake Tools for Visual Studio

Clang with Microsoft CodeGen 14.0.25515 Clang with Microsoft CodeGen

Command Bus, Event Stream and Async Manager Merq Provides ICommandBus, IEventStream and IAsyncManager MEF services for loosely coupled Visual Studio extension components communication and integration.

Common Azure Tools 1.8 Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Microsoft Azure Tools.

GhostDoc 5.2.16200.0 GhostDoc automatically generates XML documentation comments.

GitHub.VisualStudio 1.0 A Visual Studio Extension that brings the GitHub Flow into Visual Studio.

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JavaScript Language Service 2.0 JavaScript Language Service

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jamesmontemagno commented 7 years ago

What version of Xamarin.Forms inside of the Nuget Package Manager are you using?

erossini commented 7 years ago

Hi James, This is my other account :) I don't know. How can I give you this info? You can't fine that in the list I posted?

jamesmontemagno commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed in 1.8.x, which i am about to publish.