I've tried recording video on Xamarin Forms Application and found the problem when I try to picking up the video I've recorded. The video that is just recorded doesn't show in video picker As it showing recorded videos path :- App Memory (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.companyname.AppName/files/Movies/) but While we try to Pick the same Video, we are unable to find the actual video which is not getting saved in device. But if I switch to taking picture and pick it the picture to upload in firebase storage up there's no problem.
On Android this library doesn't seem to store the video in the public gallery - it works on iOS and it works with Photos on Android but with Video in Android.
Don't know why yet :'(
I've tried recording video on Xamarin Forms Application and found the problem when I try to picking up the video I've recorded. The video that is just recorded doesn't show in video picker As it showing recorded videos path :- App Memory (/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.companyname.AppName/files/Movies/) but While we try to Pick the same Video, we are unable to find the actual video which is not getting saved in device. But if I switch to taking picture and pick it the picture to upload in firebase storage up there's no problem.
Code :-
async void OnCaremaIconClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();
async void OnVideoPickerIconClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { await CrossMedia.Current.Initialize();