jamesmontemagno / StoreReviewPlugin

Request app store reviews across Xamarin and Windows applications
MIT License
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Android InAppReview Not Popping Up #26

Closed marcelo2231 closed 3 years ago

marcelo2231 commented 3 years ago


Version Number of Plugin: 3.1.0 and 3.2.0-beta Device Tested On: Samsung S10 (Android 11)

Expected Behavior

Android In App Review pops up when calling await CrossStoreReview.Current.RequestReview(false);

Actual Behavior

I am not being able to make this work. Android In App Review is not popping up.

Issue Info

  1. Xamarin Essentials is setup correctly. I am calling the correct method and I added a pop up just to show that we are hitting that line: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38107971/125111047-a4415180-e0a2-11eb-98d8-735d8bc8d150.mov

  2. This is how I created the internal Test. Is there any specific configuration needed? Or is this enough? Part 1: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38107971/125111233-e4083900-e0a2-11eb-8b84-4260bf175935.mov Part 2: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38107971/125111244-e79bc000-e0a2-11eb-99e1-0f7e9f0222b5.mov

  3. The following video shows the app store and app behavior on an actual device. The RequestReview line is being hit, since the pop up show up: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38107971/125114533-51b66400-e0a7-11eb-92dd-268be42c6a7d.mp4

  4. Logs using the following commands: adb shell logcat | grep com.marcetown.myapp logcat2.docx

  5. Also, I am not sure if this is relevant, but no code shrinker is being used: Screen Shot 2021-07-09 at 10 39 48 AM


I don't believe this is an actual bug on this library, I just need some help to fix this issue. I followed the suggestions on the other post, but I was not able to fix it. Here is a couple things I tried:

antoine-hebert commented 3 years ago

Did you test on a device running Android 10 vs Android 11 ? We are experiencing the same behavior on devices running Android 11.

saamerm commented 3 years ago

Guys could you try to download this game and win the game once to see the popup on your android 11?


The app uses v3.1 of this package, with target SDK version 30 and target framework v11.0

Most likely you have not read the README completely (I know it's boring) are not using Internal App Sharing to test or you have not setup the pro guard correctly

saamerm commented 3 years ago


saamerm commented 3 years ago

Please use a pastebin for your logcat (I had to upload your file to Google Drive to open the file) Also, I noticed in the logs you got this error Unexpected response code 404 for https://play-fe.googleapis.com/fdfe/allowInAppReview?doc=com.marcetown.myapp, and I haven't seen anyone else get a similar error

marcelo2231 commented 3 years ago

@saamerm I tried your Numberbomb app on Android 11 and it worked as expected. Although I did read the entire read me file multiple times and I am using Internal App Sharing, I assumed I did not need to create the proguard file, since I have no code shrinker and "Link SDK assemblies only".

My bad for sending a docx, first time submitting a large error like that haha Thank you so much for finding this 404 error. Here are the errors I am getting:

07-09 10:36:19.834  8532 11374 I Finsky  : [27174] fki.<init>(18): com.marcetown.myapp is installed but certificate mismatch
07-09 10:36:19.962  8532 11214 E Volley  : [27115] doi.a: Unexpected response code 404 for https://play-fe.googleapis.com/fdfe/allowInAppReview?doc=com.marcetown.myapp

I believe I am getting this certificate mismatch error due to the way I uploaded the app on the AppStore. I will be testing this directly in prod. I am closing this issue. Thanks for your help!

saamerm commented 3 years ago

Yes @marceloarchiza, it's not about the code shrinking, it's the 'Link SDK assemblies only' that requires the pro guard file. Hope you rated the app well 😉
And don't forget to follow me on https://twitter.com/saamerm Also, check out my other articles here: https://prototypemakers.medium.com

marcelo2231 commented 3 years ago

Just an update, this was because I was not using internal app sharing, but internal test. I had no idea they were different. I got it to work. Thank you again @saamerm!!! Arif and Suchita said hi! Again, thanks for the great work and for your positive impact on MSA even after you left Charter! You are the best!

Example of this working on MSA:


msk-robin commented 3 years ago

grate work, I ill be checking it up.

jamesmontemagno commented 3 years ago


boskovaskovic commented 6 months ago

Try to clear the cache of your app.