jamesmontemagno / StoreReviewPlugin

Request app store reviews across Xamarin and Windows applications
MIT License
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RequestReview(false) - No pop up on iOS #40

Closed viraj-pratapwant-persona closed 2 years ago

viraj-pratapwant-persona commented 2 years ago

Please fill out either the bug or feature request section and remove whatever section you are not using.


Version Number of Plugin: 3.3.1 Device Tested On: iPhone 11 Pro (iOS 15.5) Simulator Tested On: N/A

Expected Behavior

RequestReview(false) should show the rating pop up after the app has been pushed live to App Store. This works fine on Android.

Actual Behavior

No rating pop is seen on iOS when RequestReview(false) is called. However, in debug i.e. on Simulator & on phone, I am able to see the rating pop up.

Steps to reproduce the Behavior

await CrossStoreReview.Current.RequestReview(false);

Feature Request:

Please fill in what you would like

saamerm commented 2 years ago

How can I replicate this issue? Is this Apple production? When you tested it on the iOS simulator, were you able to see the pop-up?

viraj-pratapwant-persona commented 2 years ago

Yes, the pop was shown on the simulator and device while debugging. The same code has gone live (i.e. to the Apple Store/ Apple production) but no pop up there. Hope this was helpful. Perhaps if you have an app that is already in production with this plugin with version 3.3.1, and download on a phone that has iOS 15.x you could replicate

saamerm commented 2 years ago

It’s because you have either already rated it with your Apple ID, or you have uploaded the app using your Apple ID. I would recommend using a different device logged into someone else’s Apple ID to test it out in production

viraj-pratapwant-persona commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your prompt responses. I see. I will try with a different device and Apple ID. A question, does this happen for the other review mechanisms such as OpenStoreReviewPage(string appId) as well? Or will that be shown always?

saamerm commented 2 years ago

From my knowledge, that function will actually open another app, leaving your current app. So no that behavior does not happen with that function. People prefer to use this RequestReview function instead because in this way users can remain within your app

saamerm commented 2 years ago

You might want to read up about the underlying API in iOS https://developer.apple.com/documentation/storekit/requesting_app_store_reviews as you know, Xamarin essentially uses the native API‘s in order to perform its functionalities.

There’s a number of different reasons why your review may not be visible, and that website explains what they may be