jamesmontemagno / StoreReviewPlugin

Request app store reviews across Xamarin and Windows applications
MIT License
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RequestReview issue #45

Open anherukun opened 1 year ago

anherukun commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a question about this plugin, I'm using .net maui and my app it's already published in Google PlayStore, but when i'm trying to use this plugin:

await CrossStoreReview.Current.RequestReview(false);

It dosn't show the review page.

Version Number of Plugin: 5.0.1 Device Tested On: HUAWEI Y7 (ANDROID 8) Simulator Tested On: ANDROID 11

Kapusch commented 1 year ago

Hi @anherukun , in debug mode, did you try to run instead await CrossStoreReview.Current.RequestReview(true);

Kapusch commented 1 year ago

Also, you should rephrase your title as this is not reflecting your actual issue

anherukun commented 1 year ago

Hi @anherukun , in debug mode, did you try to run instead

await CrossStoreReview.Current.RequestReview(true);

In production, testMode must be true?

saamerm commented 1 year ago

@anherukun can you share the app and steps to get to the review so I can test it for you?

Soap-141 commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue, it doesn't work on Android with internal sharing in Google Play.

Soap-141 commented 1 year ago

Finally found the issue! We can't use G-Suite accounts to review the application.

Symbai commented 11 months ago

I'm having the same problem where it doesn't show up on both, ios and android (MAUI) but only when published in app store. When testing it in ios simulator for example it immediately shows up.

As for iOS I read that its up to the system to show it or not. But as I said it also happens on Android. I'm using the code below:

        await Plugin.StoreReview.CrossStoreReview.Current.RequestReview(true);
#if IOS
        if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(10, 3))