jamesmontemagno / Xamarin.Plugins

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ImageCircle Does not display images from ImageSource on UWP #276

Closed JKennedy24 closed 8 years ago

JKennedy24 commented 8 years ago

<circleImage:CircleImage Grid.Row="0" Source="{Binding ProfilePicture}" HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center"/>


      private ImageSource _profilePicture;
        public ImageSource ProfilePicture
                if (_profilePicture == null)
                    if (User != null)
                        if (User.ProfilePicture != null)
                            _profilePicture = ImageSource.FromStream(() => new MemoryStream(User.ProfilePicture));
                            _profilePicture = ImageSource.FromFile(Helpers.Styling.StylingLookup.GetImagePath("DefaultProfilePicture.jpg"));

                return _profilePicture;
            set { _profilePicture = value; }

Image does not display on UWP

JKennedy24 commented 8 years ago

Actually it does, this could be down to a different issue

JKennedy24 commented 8 years ago

was infact down to this Xamarin.Forms Bug issue