jamesob / desk

A lightweight workspace manager for the shell
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Desk init does not work when using a custom location #93

Open GreatestFool opened 3 years ago

GreatestFool commented 3 years ago

This might be related to #34, somewhat, but considering the last activity on that thread was years ago, I instead decided to simply make another issue thread for this.

If I run desk init and set everything as default, everything works. However, if I try to set a different default location for .desk, it does not work and displays No desk dir! Run 'desk init'.

I'm not really doing anything fancy, so I don't really understand why it is not working. I'm sourcing the completions from the shell_plugins\bash\desk and I've set desk to an alias for ease of use. My bash version is 4.4.23(1)-release, as can be seen in the picture below.


The activation hook is added to the EOF in .bashrc, and I've even tried setting DESK_DIR and DESK_DESKS_DIR to their correct path and tested the output, I can cd to them just fine, but trying to run something like desk list immediately afterwards still makes it complain about No desk dir! Run 'desk init'.

Currently the environment variables are set to:


For clarity, it does not work even if the environment variables are not set.

When running something like desk go <deskname> it outputs this:

❯ desk go rtest
Desk rtest (rtest.sh) not found in /h//.desk/desks

So at least I know it is still checking in the default location, for some reason.

Testing with an absolute path results in the same.

❯ desk go /h/.user/.desk/desks/rtest
Desk /h/.user/.desk/desks/rtest (/h/.user/.desk/desks/rtest.sh) not found in /h//.desk/desks