jamesoff / bmotion

An Artificial Stupidity script for eggdrop bots
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Documentation #17

Open Routhinator opened 10 years ago

Routhinator commented 10 years ago

I've been looking for the docs, however the website mentioned in the readme just loops back to this repo. Are you planning on adding the docs here?

I managed to find this:


However it seems a bit outdated and incomplete...

jamesoff commented 10 years ago

I am! It was a little bit chicken-and-egg... I didn't feel like writing docs if I was the only person working on the bot, and I suspect other people didn't really feel like working on it without docs to guide them.

I have the old bmotion.net wiki content (Trac-based) to migrate over here, which I haven't gotten around to yet.

The command reference thing is an interesting issue - some of the fun for bMotion comes from discovering things it responds to which you weren't expecting. Additionally, some of the things are in-jokes for my group of friends and it's weird documenting them for other people to run :P Finally, many of the plugins are triggerable in several/many different ways (good old English and its multiple ways of saying the same thing) so that poses a documentation challenge - should it mention one way of triggering something, or all of them?

Routhinator commented 10 years ago

Well in my case I'm trying to get people used to the new, improved bot. So far I'm impressed by the depth of coding you've done.. (I'm going to have to learn TCL so I can try adding stuff to this) however I'm trying to figure out how to adjust the bots for my needs.

For one thing I find he doesn't respond to much.. at all. He responds to hello, how are you, and if you /me

However he doesn't respond to anything else other than commands. I've managed to find a few commands from the PDF but what I'd like to do is increase his responsiveness. I'd also like to know how the .bmotion fact command works as I find the help info to be rather non descript. (i've figured out how to directly edit the facts file though.. still working out the different verbs I see in the TCL code and how they are used)

There are other things.. like what is the 'karma' module? That's not covered anywhere but it's in the settings... There's also something about trivia in there? Does that mean I can remove the other trivia module the bot has or is that for it to respond to trivia? I find the more I dig through the bot the more questions I have, and this is what I'd like documentation on.

Overall I'm very impressed.. this is much better than MegaHAL which is what the bot had previously, however my users are rather disappointed at how silent it is.. other than it's responding to commands. So that's my primary documentation request.

jamesoff commented 10 years ago

All fair points :) bMotion isn't designed to chat continuously, but it should fit in without becoming annoying. There's a global knob you can adjust in the settings file to fudge the probabilities of a plugin firing when it matches text if you want. If there's things you're saying to it and you're not getting a response when you'd expect one then please feel free to write plugins (and send me a pull request, if appropriate) or open tickets with requests. I've generally added stuff I've thought of, or seen my friends try on it and be disappointed when it didn't work, so fresh eyes = new things.

The TCL stuff shouldn't be too scary, bMotion is as much a massive stack of helper functions (everything in modules\) as it is the triggers and responses. Feel free to drop into #bmotion on EFNet if you want to chat about stuff.

The karma module just responds to this++ and that-- and keeps track of a score. I wrote it in response to a feature request from someone.

The trivia stuff in bMotion is so it can play trivia against my trivia script (see my eggdrop-scripts repo on here, and/or join #triviacow on EFNet).

Glad you like it!

Lord255 commented 10 years ago

http://www.bmotion.net:8000/bmotion/wiki/CommandReference you can use the above link as well :) it's also outdated, but it's better than nothing. :)