jamesoff / bmotion

An Artificial Stupidity script for eggdrop bots
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Use more fields in userinfo.tcl #27

Open MrRH opened 10 years ago

MrRH commented 10 years ago

Currently, if i am correct, not much usage is made of userinfo.tcl, except gender that you have to code into manually to make use of. userinfo.tcl has lot of potential to add new functions/options into bmotion. Example :

BF / GF - if set then bot can tease or make comments on a "couple". DOB : if set bot can congratulate the user and give gifts. If bot has DOB set maybe special bday mode?

There are quite many fun ways to expand and make bmotion more better tapping into userinfo.tcl :)

Lord255 commented 10 years ago

yeah, i agree on the bday stuff. :) there is an other topic about that. say hbty to a user when its birthday.. also the timezone set would be helpfull

jamesoff commented 10 years ago

I have code in progress for having the bot wish people happy birthday automatically, including have it figure out when people's birthdays are (by seeing other people wish them happy birthday etc) if it doesn't know otherwise.

MrRH commented 10 years ago

the most "fool proof" way would be DOB that bot can read. trying to catch people saying happy b-day in the channel would make it open to abuse aka people spamming happy bday and bot jumping into the crowd aswell thinking it is actually that person bday. It would be up to channel management and botmaster to add peoples DOB into bot userfile, maybe hassle for some people but that would eliminate any unwanted abuse.

jamesoff commented 10 years ago

It would be open to abuse but I have things planned (and some coded) for that - that's why the code isn't committed yet because it's so complex.

If something manual like DOB is set then obviously I'll use it, but half the fun of bMotion (both writing the code and using it) is having it figure this stuff out for itself. Did you notice it tries to guess your gender? :)

MrRH commented 10 years ago

To be honest never really noticed that, probably because i always set user gender when adding user to botnet. Also re b-day : would love to see bot celebrate their own b-day by going to party mode and shaking their booty and making users to shake their booty :D , accepting b-day gifts and opening them and commenting about them :)

Lord255 commented 10 years ago

mhm. bot's birthday also a good idea. in the config there should be a setting of it.

btw: https://github.com/jamesoff/bmotion/issues/13

jamesoff commented 10 years ago

Was planning on having the bot record its birthday when you first ever launch bMotion :)

veb commented 10 years ago

Here's a much better birthday for bMotion: http://books.google.com/books?id=Mz8FgMLV0z4C&lpg=PA21&dq=bmotion%20birthday&pg=PA21#v=onepage&q=bmotion%20birthday&f=false

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 6:43 AM, James Seward notifications@github.com wrote:

Was planning on having the bot record its birthday when you first ever launch bMotion :)

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/jamesoff/bmotion/issues/27#issuecomment-47569769.

Lord255 commented 10 years ago

would be better if you could set it but if you wont set then it sets to the date when it was first launched. i would like to give special dates to their birtdays. :D

jamesoff commented 10 years ago

Looking forward to your pull request ;)