jamespetts / simutrans-extended

Sources for the Experimental branch of the popular game Simutrans
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[Bug]Missing factory connections on worldgen #257

Open 209CATrus opened 4 years ago

209CATrus commented 4 years ago

Well, name speaks for itself, i often get these cuts with big industries like oil refineries or car factories. Possible reason - low industry number in worldgen settings. Perhaps industry builder takes industrial sector to agricultural sector ratio as priority over individual supply chains intergrity?

209CATrus commented 4 years ago

Nope, my map doesn't have agricultural sector at all. So, another possible reasons:

jamespetts commented 4 years ago

I will need a reliable reproduction case in order to be able to look into a bug report: please see the bug report guidelines here: https://forum.simutrans.com/index.php/topic,13026.0.html

209CATrus commented 4 years ago

I can't see any chenges to factories since i updated in 17th august, neither do i changed configs.

So, my worldgen parameters: Seed 1085838446 1024*384

23 1 5 300 50

292 10 6

1950 No beginner mode

Climate: -1 150 3

No hilly landscape Cities ignore height

61 (20) 12 -1 -1 5 10 15 20

No no trees No lakes

128 2 4096

It is not guaranteed to reproduce, but you should get two or so cases of missing connection in five attempts

jamespetts commented 4 years ago

Can you elaborate you what you mean by a "missing connection" here?

209CATrus commented 4 years ago

Incomplete supply chains, rendering missing_connection issue in factory screen

209CATrus commented 3 years ago

I didn't check it out myself yet, but it seems that recent commits made enough progress to close this issue. Thanks

209CATrus commented 3 years ago

Okay, turns out it fails to replace some incomplete supply chains. It just replaces same factory.

Lack of available workforce? I've set number of industries above recommended value. Maybe because my world was flat, it had no biomes for complete iron/coal supply chains.

These two screenshots should provide you with both replication case and the issue:

Power station got new supply chain - consisting of Coal Fired Power Station. Exclusively. Also, as you can see - steelworks got no chain update at all, having missing connection:


World parameters i've used: simuexfactory2
