jamespfennell / transiter

Web service for transit data
MIT License
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Back End Issue #131

Closed mazurooo closed 8 months ago

mazurooo commented 8 months ago

Apologies on bugging you, your software is amazing. Any ideas on why all lines show "backend error"? Is this related to the MTA's url changing?

jamespfennell commented 8 months ago

Hey, you're not bugging at all, that's the point of the issue tracker :)

Could you post the full error you're seeing? How often are you seeing it? One of the MTA URLs did change recently. Updating the NYC subway transit system should fix it.

da555nny commented 8 months ago

{ "code": 13, "message": "internal error", "details": [ { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Status", "code": 2, "message": "failed to connect tohost=postgres user=transiter database=transiter: hostname resolving error (lookup postgres: Temporary failure in name resolution)", "details": [] } ] }

kungpaogao commented 8 months ago

+1 seeing the same error on realtimerail.nyc

jamespfennell commented 8 months ago

Oh sorry, I misunderstood the issue. I thought you were seeing these errors when running Transiter yourself. I wasn't aware realtimerail.nyc was down.

It's working again now. The problem was that the logs for the Caddy reverse proxy eventually grew to consume all of the hard disk on the machine it's deployed on, so everything stopped working. I've cleared the logs and it's working again. I'll configure and email or alert so that I see this happening in advance.

Thanks for the report!

mazurooo commented 8 months ago

Thank you sir! The guys in the warehouse thank you...