jamesremuscat / pyze

Unofficial Python client and API for Renault ZE
MIT License
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500 Server Error: Internal Server Error #98

Open dvanders opened 3 years ago

dvanders commented 3 years ago

Since around 30 minutes ago I'm getting a 500 error on the battery status.

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://api-wired-prod-1-euw1.wrd-aws.com/commerce/v1/accounts/xxx/kamereon/kca/car-adapter/v2/cars/yyy/battery-status?country=GB

And the cli is all unavailable

# pyze status --km --kw
--------------------  -------------
Battery level         Unavailable%
Range estimate        Unavailable
Plug state            Not available
Charging state        Not available
Charge mode           Unavailable
AC start at           Unavailable
External temperature  Unavailable
Total mileage         Unavailable
Updated at            Unavailable
Location              Unavailable
--------------------  -------------

Just me?

ledermann commented 3 years ago

Same here, but only since today. The Renault app on iOS fails, too.

premultiply commented 3 years ago

The application did run too long on Renaults cloud servers. They have to put in some more coins to start it again...

ledermann commented 3 years ago

For me, it works again since today.

jvrietveld commented 3 years ago

No service here since 30 April.

epenet commented 3 years ago

If you add debug option to the CLI, maybe you will get the underlying reason. If the issue lasts for more than a day it's probably an issue with your account.

jvrietveld commented 3 years ago

The debug option revealed it: "You have reached your quota limit". It looks like my car is getting old (2016) and I have to renew a subscription. Last year I could renew this for a year but now I cannot find this option anymore.