jamessimone / apex-rollup

Fast, configurable, elastically scaling custom rollup solution. Apex Invocable action, one-liner Apex trigger/CMDT-driven logic, and scheduled Apex-ready.
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Concat_Distinct with Break Line Delimiter not working #595

Closed Silchuki14 closed 1 month ago

Silchuki14 commented 1 month ago

(First time using Github, hoping this is detailed enough)

Hello James, we are wondering why BR() or
does not work as a delimiter like DLRS. Furthermore, it seems to cause a calculation issue that we wanted to bring up to your attention. Below are our troubleshooting records that hopefully can help answer the question. Debug logs attached as well.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or would need additional details.

Thank you!

ApexRollup V1.6.23

Test Records:

1 Terminal_Upgrade__c Record (Parent)

2+ Device_to_Upgrade__c Records (Child(s))

Device to Upgrade Apex Trigger

trigger ApexRollup_DevicetoUpgradeTrigger on Device_to_Upgrade__c(after insert, after update, before delete, after undelete) {
  // after delete is required ONLY if your org does Account / Contact / Lead / Case merges
  // etc. You can invoke the above from your handler if you have one

*_DLRS Apex Trigger is disabled_**

DLRS Comparables Concat_Distinct on DevUps_Models__c field d1621e24-157e-4a2a-ba0a-93b8bd17789f

Concat_Distinct on DevUps_Serial_Numbers__c field. 979fce0f-7c24-4bdc-853e-c47ad2250334

Rollup Controls and Rollup Configs on this “simple” Concat Rollup. cd7368cb-252e-41a0-8a60-c1995dd438ac *Queuable and not Synchronous because the former is understood as the preferred method.

*Rollup Logging enable for the purpose of this exercise. 2b93a53e-77c8-4526-b640-83f1fe35254f f6b0863b-1137-4f9a-81ee-925bccef3de3

_ConcatDistinct Issue

With DLRS, we used BR() as a delimiter to break line each value from the Rollup. It worked as expected. With Rollup, the break line delimiter seems to become part of the value, rendering the value distinct. As a result, the value is full of BR() and becomes inaccurate by duplicating values.

*For the purpose of this exercise, the Serial Number Rollup has been updated to no delimiter (comma as default) for comparison purposes.

Before doing triggering any tests, a Full Recalc on both Rollups has been performed. We start with the below field value:

Models: ()DevUp123BR()DevUp098

Serial Numbers: 098765, 123456

Test #1 - Create a new Device to Upgrade from Scratch (not cloned) - Same Values (Fail)

Model Added: DevUp123 - Serial Number Added: 123456

Expectation: Models: ()DevUp123BR()DevUp098 - Serial Numbers : 098765, 123456

Result: Models: ()DevUp098BR()()DevUp123BR()DevUp123 - Serial Numbers: 098765, 123456

Comment: As we can see with the test, if we use BR() (same result with
) as a delimited, the rollup seems to glue it to a value, making it distinct. Without delimiter (default comma), it works fine. We have done this same test, but instead of BR() we used an hyphen ( - ) and it worked as expected. Perhaps the break line specifically is the problem.

We use BR() with DLRS and it works as expected. We need this rollup to break line each value for Email Template purposes (instead of doing it directly in the template with a Substitute formula).

Attached are the Debug Logs I got from the test. Contact_Distinct - Test1CreateNewDeviceSameValue1.log Contact_Distinct - Test1CreateNewDeviceSameValue2.log Contact_Distinct - Test1CreateNewDeviceSameValue3.log

jamessimone commented 1 month ago

@Silchuki14 use \n as the break line character - that would be my guess. BR() must be some special thing in DLRS, as that's not a valid line break character outside of formulas

Silchuki14 commented 1 month ago

Hey @jamessimone, Did the same test but with /n and got the same result.

image apex-07LAu00000Euwj1MAB.log apex-07LAu00000Ev4OfMAJ.log apex-07LAu00000EvAVdMAN.log

Is this just something Apex Rollup cannot support (ok if that is the case).

jamessimone commented 1 month ago

@Silchuki14 I've found the issue - which is specific to new line characters - so I should be able to patch today

jamessimone commented 1 month ago

@Silchuki14 this is fixed in #597. The new package version should be available to install via the README