jamessimone / apex-rollup

Fast, configurable, elastically scaling custom rollup solution. Apex Invocable action, one-liner Apex trigger/CMDT-driven logic, and scheduled Apex-ready.
MIT License
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Test setup for integration test not working as shown in the tutorial #598

Closed HamboneWilson closed 1 month ago

HamboneWilson commented 1 month ago

The following code gives a variable not visible error when I try to deploy it:

    static void apexRollup_InsertIntegration_CorrectContextCalled() {
        Account parent = new ExternalAccountBuilder().buildAccount();

        Funding__c testFunding = new FundingBuilder().receivingAccountId(parent.Id).buildFunding();

        Set<System.TriggerOperation> expectedOperations = new Set<System.TriggerOperation>{System.TriggerOperation.AFTER_INSERT};

        Assert.areEqual(expectedOperations, Rollup.CACHED_APEX_OPERATIONS.get(Funding__c.SObjectType));

The specific error:

Update of ApexClass TEST_FundingTrigger: Error on line 32, col 45: Variable is not visible: Rollup.CACHED_APEX_OPERATIONS

I am on version 1.6.27

jamessimone commented 1 month ago

@HamboneWilson apologies that the video(?) has gotten out of date. Here's what you can do in the interim (I may re-add the @TestVisible annotation in a future release):

private class RollupMock extends Rollup {
  public RollupMock() {

  public Set<System.TriggerOperation> getOperations() {
    return this.getCachedApexOperations();

// and then in your test:
Assert.areEqual(expectedOperations, new RollupMock().getOperations().get(Funding__c.SObjectType));