jamestalmage / supports-hyperlinks

Detect whether a terminal emulator supports hyperlinks
MIT License
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Request feedback from linux users. #2

Open jamestalmage opened 6 years ago

jamestalmage commented 6 years ago

Linux has so many different flavors of Terminal emulators, including numerous VTE based ones. I'm not sure the logic here is enough.

@sindresorhus, @qix-, got any linux users who helped sort things out on supports-color that you could ping here?

sindresorhus commented 6 years ago

Maybe @KayLeung @kamioftea

langpavel commented 5 years ago

I'm on linux, running GNOME Terminal 3.28.2 using VTE 0.52.2:

$ node
> process.env.VTE_VERSION

Links work perfectly. But note that VTE_VERSION is without dots

WillForan commented 6 months ago

(alacritty and WezTerm supports OSC8/hyperlinks but xterm does not. yet.)

alacritty -e bash -c "node -e 'e=process.env;console.log(e.TERM,e.TERM_PROGRAM,e.VTE_VERSION)' > /tmp/alacrity.txt"
wezterm -e bash -c "node -e 'e=process.env;console.log(e.TERM,e.TERM_PROGRAM,e.VTE_VERSION)' > /tmp/terms-wezterm.txt"
xterm -e "node -e 'e=process.env;console.log(e.TERM,e.TERM_PROGRAM,e.VTE_VERSION)' > /tmp/terms-xterm.txt"
grep ^ /tmp/terms-*|column -ts'[: ]'
alacrity alacritty       undefined  undefined
wezterm  xterm-256color  WezTerm    undefined
xterm    xterm-256color  undefined  undefined