jamesthomson / R2D3

R package to create D3.js Visualisations
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D3Force #3

Closed jamesthomson closed 8 years ago

jamesthomson commented 10 years ago

@coppeliaMLA @andrewpatt24 would one of you like create a D3Force function that create a force directed layout D3 html object take

jamesthomson commented 10 years ago

@coppeliaMLA after your post yesterday do you fancy taking this on and including a bunch of true false options to include your lovely a-z of d3.js add ons

coppeliaMLA commented 10 years ago

Certainly do!

ramnathv commented 10 years ago

This is exciting. Have you seen http://christophergandrud.github.io/d3Network/ ?

jamesthomson commented 10 years ago

@ramnathv I'd used the d3Network on CRAN which had limited functionality particularly in creating the json files but clearly this newer version on github has a lot more in it and fixes that problem. I'll definitely have a play at some point. Thanks for the tip.