jameszah / ESP32-CAM-Video-Telegram

Record avi video on ESP32-CAM and send to Telegram on event or request
GNU General Public License v3.0
113 stars 26 forks source link

/Flash #56

Open MamoNieTeraz opened 4 months ago

MamoNieTeraz commented 4 months ago

Hi, Your project is great, and it is very helpful for me to improve the already created product which is the automatic feeder. The only thing I'm missing is some functionality, namely lighting up the LED when motion is detected to keep the recording lit. Is it possible to introduce this functionality in the future ? Warm regards !!

FBMinis commented 4 months ago

I've solved the problem of capturing video in dark settings when there is movement with one of these: aliexpress.com/item/1005005727625716.html aliexpress.com/item/1005006399943906.html

They're well built and the light is strong. I bought one recently for under €7, you just need to browse around because Aliexpress prices are all over the place nowadays.

FBMinis commented 4 months ago
#define LAMP_PIN 4

int lampChannel = 7;          // a free PWM channel (some channels used by camera)
const int pwmfreq = 50000;    // 50K pwm frequency
const int pwmresolution = 9;  // duty cycle bit range
const int pwmMax = pow(2, pwmresolution) - 1;

// Lamp Control
void setLamp(int newVal) {
    if (newVal != -1) {
        // Apply a logarithmic function to the scale.
        int brightness = round((pow(2, (1 + (newVal * 0.02))) - 2) / 6 * pwmMax);
        ledcWrite(lampChannel, brightness);
        Serial.print("Lamp: ");
        Serial.print("%, pwm = ");

void setup() {

    pinMode(LAMP_PIN, OUTPUT);                       // set the lamp pin as output
    ledcSetup(lampChannel, pwmfreq, pwmresolution);  // configure LED PWM channel
    setLamp(0);                                      // set default value
    ledcAttachPin(LAMP_PIN, lampChannel);            // attach the GPIO pin to the channel


// As as example, when taking a Timed Photo
void loop() {

    if (millis() > (TimePhoto_lasttime + TimePhoto_Minutes * 60000) ) {
        if (tim_enabled) {
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
                camera_fb_t * newfb = esp_camera_fb_get();
                if (!newfb) {
                    Serial.println("Camera Capture Failed");
                } else {
                    //Serial.print("Pic, len="); Serial.print(newfb->len);
                    //Serial.printf(", new fb %X\n", (long)newfb->buf);


            camera_fb_t * tfb = esp_camera_fb_get();


            if (!tfb) {
                Serial.println("Camera Capture Failed");
            } else {

                currentByte = 0;
                fb_length = tfb->len;
                fb_buffer = tfb->buf;

                Serial.println("\n>>>>> Sending timed photo, bytes=  " + String(fb_length));

                String sent = bot.sendMultipartFormDataToTelegramWithCaption("sendPhoto", "photo", "img.jpg",
                              "image/jpeg", "Timed Photo", chat_id, fb_length,
                              isMoreDataAvailable, getNextByte, nullptr, nullptr);

        TimePhoto_lasttime = millis();
