jamf / NetSUS

NetBoot and Software Update Server
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RewriteRule #122

Open macchrister opened 5 years ago

macchrister commented 5 years ago

Wrong path in .htaccess on CentOS 7 ex: RewriteRule ^index.sucatalog$ content/catalogs/index$1.sucatalog [L] it should be like: RewriteRule ^index(.*).sucatalog$ content/catalogs/index$1.sucatalog [L]

duncan-mccracken commented 5 years ago

There are two .htaccess files installed by NetSUS 5.0

/var/www/html/.htaccess, which re-directs to the OS-appropriate for the Default branch (if set), and has no variable paths. /srv/SUS/html/content/catalogs/.htaccess, which re-directs to the OS-appropriate for a specific branch. The syntax of the branch-specific htaccess file has the syntax described.

Both are copied into place during the installation process, you can view them at: https://github.com/jamf/NetSUS/tree/master/SUS/var/appliance

Which one do you believe is the issue?

macchrister commented 5 years ago

Hello Duncan

The one I have change is /var/www/html/.htaccess I don’t know if it’s the right way to go, but I got it to work for me.
