jamf / NetSUS

NetBoot and Software Update Server
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cannot apply SSL certificates #123

Closed TwoTwenty closed 5 years ago

TwoTwenty commented 5 years ago


I just installed NetSUS using NetSUSLPInstaller_5.0.run on a RHEL7 box all has gone well so far I can access the interface, changed all passwords, restarted the server etc.

I have also put our wildcard cert in the system /etc/pki/tls/... and changed the ssl.conf to get our proper cert working for the admin interface.

I cannot apply that certificate from the web interface the apply button is crossed out when I hover the mouse over.

my cert/key is pem formatted wihtout encryption and I have the begin end lines

ewtillman commented 5 years ago

Just my experience but maybe it will help you. I used the ova but converted it to hyper-v. On the cert screen in the web gui once you put in key information it likes the borders will no longer be red, and when you get all 3 the apply will unlock. I had to convert my private key to RSA and then it worked. openssl rsa -in domain.key -out domain-rsa.key

TwoTwenty commented 5 years ago

that was the answer thanks

openssl rsa -in domain.key -out domain-rsa.key