jamf / NetSUS

NetBoot and Software Update Server
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pybsdp not so friendly with multiple subnets #129

Closed najk closed 4 years ago

najk commented 5 years ago

Hi. Im having issues with net booting since the dhcpd got replaced by pybsdp. We see traffic coming to the system (ova image) but pybsdp does not send any replies. It works well with bsdpy or dhcpd. So it may seem like pybsdp is not a fan of replying to different subnet than the server itself is on. May i suggest moving to bsdpy instead, or perhaps figure out why pybsdp is not friendly enough to give a reply to a different subnet.

najk commented 5 years ago

So i got a question about how i changed to bsdpy Pretty much like this:

git clone https://github.com/bruienne/bsdpy.git apt install python-docopt

modify bsdpserver.py, replaced DOCKER_BSDPY_IP with IP adress.

./bsdpserver.py -p /srv/NetBoot/NetBootSP0 -i ens32 &

I had to change NBImageInfo.plist Index from string to integer.

As a bonus i have a lovely log to look into tail -f /var/log/bsdpserver.log