jamf / NetSUS

NetBoot and Software Update Server
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Permission issue on RedHat Enterprise 7? #144

Closed vbang123 closed 4 years ago

vbang123 commented 4 years ago


I've installed Netsus through the .run installer and all was fine until I logged in via webadmin.

I can't seem to save any changes, ie add new users, changing webadmin default password because the save button is greyed out.

However, on the Software Update page, there is a message saying "sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo"

Googling the message mentions to update tDefaults requiretty by Defaults !requiretty in your /etc/sudoers

Unfortunately, it did not work. Any help would be much appreciated.

vbang123 commented 4 years ago

Was a bug with RHEL.