jamf / NetSUS

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NetSUS not pulling new "Compressed" updates #155

Open wegotoeleven opened 3 years ago

wegotoeleven commented 3 years ago

As per this thread on Jamf Nation: https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/36844/netsus-5-0-1-not-showing-latest-updates

And this thread on MacAdmins Slack: https://macadmins.slack.com/archives/CBAMZLX8T/p1600973423000900

... And this commit in the Reposado github repo: https://github.com/wdas/reposado/commit/e216c9cb5d54244f6bcadbd6ffebea15c3d34ef5

I'm looking at the changes required now, so bear with me :)

duncan-mccracken commented 3 years ago

Hopefully it should be as simple as updating reposado. All the SUS functionality is handled by a vanilla version of that under the hood.