jamf / NoMADLogin-AD

Login to an AD user account without binding your Mac to AD.
MIT License
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A call to anybody that can help support and maintain nomad. Please help the open-source project #4

Closed kkrumm1 closed 8 months ago

kkrumm1 commented 2 years ago

A call to anybody that can help support and maintain nomad. Please help the open-source project

6:25 NoMAD Open Source Initiative Hi everyone, Josh (@macshome) here with some updates about the NoMAD open source projects. I know there has been a lot of concern about the status of NoMAD and NoMAD Login AD. I fully understand that concern. Since the sale of Orchard & Grove to Jamf 3 years ago, the projects have received minimal updates. Part of this is that they continue working without major issues, part of it is simply a lack of time for Joel and I to work on it. With Joel (@mactroll) off to new adventures I want to take this time to refocus and reinvest in the community that has supported NoMAD so well. Jamf wants to be a good steward for the NoMAD projects. To that end I want to make a few announcements here:

In the near future the NoMAD projects will move from GitLab to the Jamf organization on GitHub. This is being done to bring them to a more locatable space and to recognize the connection between NoMAD and Jamf. The existing repos will remain where they are, but the README files will be changed to just point to the new home for the projects on the web. We are actively looking for contributors, maintainers, and moderators from the community. I will be as active as I can be, but there are still a lot of pressures on my time. These members will be able to help with the projects in any capacity that they are willing and able to bring. This could be anything from updating documentation, to screening bugs, to reviewing pull requests or committing code. NoMAD 1.3 is going to be the end of the line for the NoMAD 1.x series. The ability to continue signing with the old certificates has been difficult for a long time now. Rather than continue to fight that beast we are going to move forward! NoMAD 2 is moving into public beta ASAP. The releases of NoMAD 2 will be signed and notarized with our Jamf Developer ID identity, just like Jamf Connect is. This means that the project will be released with a stable signing identity. Of course you will be able to continue to build and sign the project on your own if you want as well. Overall, these are some fairly disruptive changes for the projects, which is why I’m talking about it here before they take place. Currently the plan is to be able to pull the switch and make the changes in hosting at the beginning of the year. That gives everyone a bit of time to think about the changes and if they would like to be involved. If you would like to be considered for a place in the NoMAD Open Source Initiative, please let us know at nomad.open.source@jamf.com. Thanks for reading this wall of text, looking forward to seeing what is next for NoMAD. :coffee_parrot: 1