jamf / mut

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SSO & API Roles and clients #121

Open PhillyPhoto opened 6 months ago

PhillyPhoto commented 6 months ago

We use SSO to login to Jamf, and now it appears that we can't use MUT anymore. I tried creating an API client and assigning some roles, but I get an error when it tries to get the token. Are the new API roles and clients supported? If not, what is the planned timeline to support them? MUT has been a life saver when adding thousands of machines to static groups for mass deployments!

eofferdahl commented 6 months ago

Same issue! I found this https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/mut-login-with-sso-issue/td-p/290151 but creating a different account is not allowing me to login.

PhillyPhoto commented 6 months ago

Same issue! I found this https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/mut-login-with-sso-issue/td-p/290151 but creating a different account is not allowing me to login.

Our security had us get off local accounts and switch to SSO. I was able to create a local Jamf account and get it working, but you would Jamf's own tool would support their new API methodology.

itsbradwhite commented 4 months ago

We have users added in Jamf as Directory Service Users (we use Google LDAP). They SAML in with an IdP that is not Google. MUT logins seem to still be working fine for us on 6.2.1 with the directory accounts.

Update: Well, we can login but it doesn't appear to work anymore. Which I guess makes sense with username / password API auth changing to client ID / secret.

Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 2 53 51 PM

Error in regular mode, classic mode says it succeeds but it doesn't actually do anything.

Logs show 401 errors (authentication error) which I guess is expected.

Maybe the app needs to be updated for client ID / secret instead of username + password?