jamf / mut

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Any way to have it skip over errors? #60

Closed TaylorArmstrongB1 closed 2 years ago

TaylorArmstrongB1 commented 3 years ago

We have multiple Jamf instances. I'll occasionally have a list of computers that are NOT broken out by which Jamf instance they belong to. If I try to run the list through MUT, it stops and exits as soon as it hits something it doesn't find "

Error: Unable to match computer

" No record of WHICH machine it didn't find. Would be far more effective if it could simply log the missing machine and continue processing the rest. I could run the list against each of our Jamf instances and know that everything was captured. (and could cross-check the logs to confirm)

mike-levenick commented 3 years ago

Is this for updating groups or prestage scopes?

If updating computer records, it should indeed just skip over the errors. For the rest, it does everything in a block for now.

You can check out MUT Classic, which is on the App Store, and uses a different method to update groups. (I don't believe it supports prestage updates though).

I have plans to update MUT v5.x to use the same methods as MUT Classic for group updates. They're significantly slower, but it works more in the way you're describing.

TaylorArmstrongB1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks - in the case I ran into the issue, it was for updating groups. I'll give MUT classic a try and see how it deals with it!. Thanks for the reminder!

mike-levenick commented 3 years ago

Sounds great. Basically, MUT Classic is just rebranded mut v4, and the only reason I keep it out there is because it uses a far less efficient method to update groups--which can be used to work around issues like you're seeing here.

MUT v5 updates the entire group in one go, so even if you're switching 1000 devices, it's just one API call. MUT classic makes separate API calls for every single device, so it's a bit harder on the server, and takes longer, but lines that error out don't stop the whole thing from working.

Good luck, and as always, try a small test file first just to be sure--I haven't tested MUT classic in a while.

jfiliceatcsumb commented 2 years ago

It’s frustrating that the api is so unforgiving for device group updates. I wish MUT had a way to toggle between uploading device changes all at once versus in series (a la classic MUT). That seems a reasonable fallback option when it’s not clear which device is causing the command failure.

mike-levenick commented 2 years ago

I wish MUT had a way to toggle between uploading device changes all at once versus in series (a la classic MUT).

This is actually exactly what I’m working on for v6. :)

The update is slow in coming, as we have a new baby girl, but I usually get a lot of time to work on things around thanksgiving/Christmas (historically, this is when most major updates happen).

So the plan is to basically either have a toggle switch to toggle between the new, more efficient method, or the old, “legacy” method—or to possibly simply auto-detect failures and switch?

I know that doesn’t help a ton right now.. but it’s good to know the user base likes the idea as well.

PDLCIII commented 2 years ago

Just replied to another thread about this. Thank you for working on feature requests like this. I will patiently wait for the update.

Going back to MUT Classic, I searched around for where to add the Static Group ID but can't find it.

mike-levenick commented 2 years ago

I think you'll be excited to know I just released MUT v6, which has this exact feature. Check it out, and let me know how it works! https://github.com/mike-levenick/mut/releases/tag/v6.0.0

You can read more about Classic Mode updates here: https://github.com/mike-levenick/mut#classic-mode-groupprestage-updates

As always with MUT, I strongly recommend trying out a small, test run of just a few devices before doing a massive update to your entire fleet. MUT is a very powerful tool, and while I've done plenty of testing, it is good to be careful, especially with a change as massive as this.

TaylorArmstrongB1 commented 2 years ago

Awesome, thank you! Just downloaded, will give it a test soon.

On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 9:55 AM Mike Levenick @.***> wrote:

[External Email: Use caution with links and attachments]

I think you'll be excited to know I just released MUT v6, which has this exact feature. Check it out, and let me know how it works! https://github.com/mike-levenick/mut/releases/tag/v6.0.0 https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_mike-2Dlevenick_mut_releases_tag_v6.0.0&d=DwMCaQ&c=sSVGO1PAPMGyxGLZsRfH-A&r=lreGXWtZiDWLqjpqFNauwSTjgqOp0VhE8bjrUnAVNeY&m=DZaEQafz1xb1kGYpNwibX_Uw6wZIFe51ZTRobdAsnZpZurjnrgXGU5aiVlBStsDz&s=hsNRuKjqRviqg5-rOVDzbyzJ9NZVUrtqCmShoThkdm4&e=

You can read more about Classic Mode updates here: https://github.com/mike-levenick/mut#classic-mode-groupprestage-updates https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_mike-2Dlevenick_mut-23classic-2Dmode-2Dgroupprestage-2Dupdates&d=DwMCaQ&c=sSVGO1PAPMGyxGLZsRfH-A&r=lreGXWtZiDWLqjpqFNauwSTjgqOp0VhE8bjrUnAVNeY&m=DZaEQafz1xb1kGYpNwibX_Uw6wZIFe51ZTRobdAsnZpZurjnrgXGU5aiVlBStsDz&s=AfTHdklcGGgLWYcYDi1iB_tAefclyS_PG8xxBkFUR3w&e=

As always with MUT, I strongly recommend trying out a small, test run of just a few devices before doing a massive update to your entire fleet. MUT is a very powerful tool, and while I've done plenty of testing, it is good to be careful, especially with a change as massive as this.

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