jamietre / CsQuery

CsQuery is a complete CSS selector engine, HTML parser, and jQuery port for C# and .NET 4.
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Next release? #173

Open 304NotModified opened 9 years ago

304NotModified commented 9 years ago

Is there an estimate when a new stable version is released?

The latest stable version is +19 months old, the lastest beta 16 months.

jamietre commented 9 years ago

Yeah... so I had a kid & changed jobs, so I lost my need to work on it during the day, and lost my time to work on it at night :)

Now that I've gotten my excuses out there, I have started working with it actively again and am planning to get a release out before the end of the year. There are a couple new possible bugs in the last month that I want to be sure are either fixed or determined to be not the fault of CsQuery. At that point I'll get out a new release.

304NotModified commented 9 years ago

I understand.

Maybe it's an idea to make a milestone for 1.3.5, so it will be clear what have to be done?

And maybe move some non-critical issues to 1.3.6?

jamietre commented 9 years ago

It's basically ready, it really just needs a few more tests on some fixes related to DocType. The next planned release is going to be 1.4.

The roadmap is here, and everything described is implemented. I just never got around to cleanup and pushing it out.


I'll try to get this out sooner rather than later but I really do want to look at #170 since there is repro code and possibly related #169 before the first release in 1.5 years...

304NotModified commented 9 years ago

OK thanks for the info. Keep up the good work :+1:

VoidMonk commented 9 years ago

Appreciate your time & efforts on this project James. Any chance of a release in the coming weeks or months?!

304NotModified commented 9 years ago

Yes, a new release - even a beta - would be great!

jamietre commented 9 years ago

I swear it's not dead! I am working on fixing a couple important bugs and hope to have something out in a few days. Thanks for hanging in there.

304NotModified commented 9 years ago


304NotModified commented 9 years ago

Please also merge or close some PR's. I find it pity that valuable contributions are unused/ignored!

304NotModified commented 9 years ago

Sorry to say it, but this project seems dead to me.

jamietre commented 9 years ago

Well, it's certainly dormant. Sorry I haven't been able to pay much attention to it lately, I'm not working on anything new in my day job now that uses it actively so it's been hard to find excuses to put time into it. That said we have plenty of code using the last version on a regular basis so I think it's still useful as is, if no longer evolving :) I have the best of intentions... I just don't have as much free time as I used to.

If anyone is interested in taking an active role in this project please let me know. The reason I haven't merged some pull requests is primarily because I had concerns about side effects of the implementation. If someone has free time to become a more active curator please email me to discuss.

At the same time there are better alternatives to HTML Agility Pack now other than CsQuery. If you want to look into something more active you might check out this project:


It seems to have some of the same goals as CsQuery as far as HTML manipulation but intends to be a more faithful to the browser DOM model. I believe it uses a custom HTML parser which may be good for speed, but possibly not as good for standards compliance. At least, my own efforts to implement an HTML parser quickly devolved into edge-case-spec madness so I happily have it up when I found HtmlParserSharp!. But it appears to have recent activity so that's good and it's obvious just from a quick look that it has lots going for it.