jamilsinno / portfolioWebsite

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Create French content #29

Open jamilsinno opened 1 year ago

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

Translation has already been done. Create new file in separate issue and copy translations over.

Do not close before issue #37 is complete.

Link contributor

nodsader commented 1 year ago

What do you mean by create French content ? Maybe I can help at this point.

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

Hey CodeCrusader, I'm looking to translate the contents of my website into French and have a button that presents the same content but in French.

nodsader commented 1 year ago

Hi 👋, okay it's your portfolio that's right ? I can provide you a translate, it's for the informations in your PDF file or all your work ?

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

I was looking to translate the website itself, not the PDF :)

nodsader commented 1 year ago

It works, I'll see if I can give you a hand today with this hard work that is a French translation 😉 for the programming of the button to change the language did you do the necessary?

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

Not yet, my idea was to have an anchor tag that would reload the page in French set up in my header

nodsader commented 1 year ago

It seems like a good idea, so you host the two versions separately by offering a kind of version switch between the English and French version that does it 👍 For the translation, how do you prefer to do it? I send it to you in a new branch on your repository directly? I created the branch "french-translation" I just have to push, we proceed as you want.

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

Yes, or in my src folder hold the English files separately from my French ones. For example, load the French components when the French link is pressed vs loading the English components when the user decides to switch back. If you would like to fork the repo on a new branch and submit a PR, I will merge your PR once I've created the button :) Thank you for your help.

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

If you would like to copy the components and add the suffix "_Fr" to the file names, that would probably be the best way to go

nodsader commented 1 year ago

Sorry I saw your last message too late, I hope it will be ok anyway and I wish you good luck in your project. Unfortunately Astro I do not know yet, I focus first on the rudimentary web and a little React for the moment therefore concerning the button and its programming I am not likely to be of very great help.

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

No worries. Thank you so much for the translation! I will be sure to include your name and information on the README once I have some time to sit down and work on it :)

nodsader commented 1 year ago

You're welcome, it's my pleasure. I wish you the utmost success in your projects and your career. 😊 That's very kind of you 🤝 And if you ever happen to develop an interest in Swift, I can offer some tips and features 😉

jamilsinno commented 1 year ago

Absolutely. I am looking into iOS dev, and I wanted to start off with Swift. I'll reach out to you in the future. I gave you a follow. Looking forward to working with you again in the future.