jamisonderek / ford-connect-sim

A simulator for the FordConnect API
MIT License
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TEST: Once unplugged what should chargingStatus say? #26

Open jamisonderek opened 3 years ago

jamisonderek commented 3 years ago

This needs to be tested on an EV car.

Plug it in, start charging schedule (for say 2 hours). what does /api/fordconnect/vehicles/v1/{{vehicleId}} say for "chargingStatus": { "value": "EvseNotDetected", "timeStamp": "06-18-2021 18:26:11", "chargeStartTime": "06-08-2021 11:58:00", "chargeEndTime": "06-08-2021 12:29:00" }, Now unplug the the car. what does /api/fordconnect/vehicles/v1/{{vehicleId}} say for chargingStatus now? (did chargeEndTime change to the current time? what does the 'value' show?)