jammsen / docker-palworld-dedicated-server

Docker container to easily provision and manage Palworld Dedicated Server
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Download server as part of container build #192

Closed mindflay3r closed 4 months ago

mindflay3r commented 4 months ago

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Describe the feature

Hiya Jammsen & co. I noticed when trying to build locally that part of the runtime is downloading the latest version of the server.

Interesting! Respectfully, this seems like a container anti-pattern to me. To quote some nerd on Reddit:

Docker is meant for "immutable" infrastructure. Immutable in this context means you don't change it after it's built. If you need to change something, you replace the whole thing.

src: https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/18c5gmh/comment/kc8yxat/

What I would propose you and co (or me if you want the help!) do is:

Once all this is done, cold-start times will be HUGELY reduced, builds are 'hermetic', and, maybe most importantly, you'll be creating a history of all the main server versions. This could be useful for posterity.

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Final checks

Callum027 commented 4 months ago

One issue with bundling the server software is that it would dramatically increase the size of the container image, as it is about 2GB at rest.

In addition, that would put the burden of updating Palworld to the latest version on the container developer. Sure, CI jobs could update the container periodically, but it would never be up to date as updating Palworld locally.

Another issue is that it would tie container and Palworld updates together, making it more difficult for users to avoid updating the container if they wish to keep the same version, but use the latest version of Palworld.

jammsen commented 4 months ago

Hey @Callum027 and @mindflay3r

Hiya Jammsen & co. I noticed when trying to build locally that part of the runtime is downloading the latest version of the server.

Hey, not sure what you mean by build locally, but yes the gameserver is on purpose downloaded when the user has started the image and did some kind of a volume definition.

Interesting! Respectfully, this seems like a container anti-pattern to me. To quote some nerd on Reddit:

Docker is meant for "immutable" infrastructure. Immutable in this context means you don't change it after it's built. If you need to change something, you replace the whole thing.

src: https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/18c5gmh/comment/kc8yxat/

"Immutable in this context means you don't change it after it's built." - This is acutally what i do, my image doesnt change, only the assets it provides do.

Container Anti-Pattern are always a little bit of a wild ghoose chase, because thats based on the individual opinions, not on facts, which organizations like the CNCF defined (at least not that i know of). When i google for it, i get instantly deliver small throw-away images, like the one i provide. But in a way you could say, the image i deliver doesnt resembles the "container" i started, because a lot changes. I give you that, 100% right and i would also say this in a Dockerfile review at my company and say in a way thats not Best-Practices followed. But they also do web-development, not gameserver-hosting.

What I would propose you and co (or me if you want the help!) do is:

  • Make server installation part of the container build process (Dockerfile)
  • Grab the version of the downloaded server using RCON (TODO, is this necessary/possible?)
  • Extract that as part of your CI and label the container with that semver. And mark it latest as ya do.

Once all this is done, cold-start times will be HUGELY reduced, builds are 'hermetic', and, maybe most importantly, you'll be creating a history of all the main server versions. This could be useful for posterity.

I even thought of it to do this in a docker-multistage build, release a slim version and fat version, there are even 2 versions to solve this, using a builder and copy the gameserver files later to the final image or just build the slim image and at the next image level, inject code that is similar to the "server.sh fresh-install function". So mechanically there is a way ... the version number to get shouldnt be that hard, but that version number doesnt mean anything ... because Pocketpair released multiple patches under the same version number, numerous of times. Details later ....

One issue with bundling the server software is that it would dramatically increase the size of the container image, as it is about 2GB at rest.

It would be 2,1 GB of gameserverfiles ontop of that, before compressing the image back down to who knows how many MB/GB.

In addition, that would put the burden of updating Palworld to the latest version on the container developer. Sure, CI jobs could update the container periodically, but it would never be up to date as updating Palworld locally.

Yes, what if im late or have like 5 days no internet, what then? Sure automation can be done, but on what KPIs to orient?! Also what about "Feature-Releases" of this image, do i have to tag now 3 new features with 1 server version? That surely wont get confusing for everyone involved ^^.

Another issue is that it would tie container and Palworld updates together, making it more difficult for users to avoid updating the container if they wish to keep the same version, but use the latest version of Palworld.

Yes again, Feature-Upgrade is now a level with server-updates. Also Pocketpair did already patches to the game in front and server and still used the same version number, they didnt increase even the bugfix number, but you could see the updates and the releases on client and server over steamdb, als this would increase comlexity and intransparency.

You've got many points here yes.

I had now time to think about it a few days and consult a few of my friends who understand Docker and Development in certain deep ways, thoose are more ways then just use immutable hosting, or webhosting, but also pipelining, gameserver-hostng and blueprinting via Docker/Images. The feedback was really big and many many questions arrised like:

As you can see that topic isnt easy to come by and sometimes even i dont have a answer for the questions that arrised, because if you ask me, my focus is doing a good image with server-tools around Palworld-Dedicated-Server. Im following the use-case that many others already provided to keep buildtimes and image-sizes slim and download once the server on the users side and not to overuse traffic, that others might not have. This follows more the KISS principle imho. While the solution might be easy or hard to solve, im asking myself all the time, "is that even needed?" and i always come back to that question. Without Pocketpair not changing their release-features and using the -beta feature for Steam and SteamCMD i dont really see a value in all of this.

To be honest im smarter then before i went on this road to evalution of this, but i dont think my opinion changed from before and many questions stay un-answered, because an "idea" isnt something flushed out like a plan. So there is always uncertainty.

Any input from you guys, about the questions or even adding more questions to the stack-pile?

jammsen commented 4 months ago

Seems like this FR is dead. Im inactivity-closing this, feel free to contact me again to reopen it again.